The big man was not happy today. Let’s analyze why this could have been. After all, the high is 80 today and the sun is shining. Mom and Dad are happy as can be in tee shirts enjoying the great weather. Then there’s Wyatt…in one pair of pink pants, one pair of purple pants, one pair of plaid shoes, one white short sleeved onesie, one grey hooded sweatshirt, one blue light weight jacket (the one we bought him yesterday so he wouldn’t have to bundle up in a snowsuit) and to top it off, one red winter hat. Could it have been the clashing outfit? Could it have been because we didn’t visit him yesterday? Or the fact that he may have needed sunscreen…never mind, the sun couldn’t even touch his skin though all of is clothes! The poor guy was not enjoying life outdoors, so after a while we headed in. The playroom was locked, so we went into the music room. It was pretty warm in there, so we popped open a window and stripped Wyatt down to cool off. He played well for a while and then got a little tired and whiny. His nap is at 12, so this usually occurs around 11:30. Once we picked him up and held him, he was fine, so as usual we gave into this request. We’ll take a smile anyway we can get it.
After the baby house we went back to the Amstel tents that we ate at yesterday for lunch. Jason had the exact same thing as yesterday. Michelle branched out and tried something new…surprise, surprise (don’t worry, no tongue this time). It was huge piece of very thin flatbread with sliced chicken, pickles, carrots, a french fry or two, ketchup, and a mayo or sour cream sauce. There may have been some cabbage or something else in there as well. It was wrapped up like a burrito and heated in a panini-like grill. It tasted pretty good, however now after reading what all was in it; I can see that you may think it sounds a little on the weird side.
It’s now 3:30 and we are off to go for a run along the river walk. The weather is supposed to go back down to the 50’s tomorrow, so we are going to enjoy this weather while we can. Then tonight, we’re going to meet Jenn and Peter out for a drink at the North Wind English Pub (connected to the Ramstore/Astana Tower).
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