This morning we took our usual seats on the park bench on the Avenue of the Republic (Astana’s main street which backs up to our apartment building). Today, there were a lot fewer cars being pulled over. A few moments after we sat down, we heard police sirens (a rarity here) and right in front of us was the Presidential motorcade complete with the President’s Mercedes SUV with curtained windows.
We took Wyatt outside for the first ½ of today’s 2 hour visit. He was about 15 minutes for the visit today as he was eating. About 10 minutes into today’s visit, Michelle lifted Wyatt above her head (he LOVES this). From about 2 feet above her head, he presented her with his breakfast all over her face…then, he smiled at her.
After the baby house we headed to the Ramstore to purchase additional Nursat I-cards (the access cards for our dial-up internet connection). ½ a block from the Ramstore, we were stopped at a red light and heard a horn honking from behind us. Our driver looked in the mirror and thought nothing of it. Then, more honking. Our driver moved forward a bit and the car behind us that was honking pulled up beside us on Jason’s right side. Our driver rolled down the window of the Mercedes and the shouting began between the two drivers. At one point as we were a little ahead of the other car, our driver threw it in reverse to converse a little more. Our translator said that our driver called the man a “sheep” and that they told one another to “shut up”. I think that we lost something in the translation…the words seemed much more severe than those.
Jenn and Peter’s court date is tomorrow morning. We plan to join them for their celebratory dinner tomorrow evening at Buhara. Best wishes for a smooth court appearance for them tomorrow.
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