Today we woke up to snow and cold, cold wind. We went for a short walk before our 9:45 pick-up this morning. It was FREEZING!
Then on to the Baby House. We were waiting in the playroom for Wyatt this morning and a woman from Atlanta and her mother from Chevy Chase, MD walked in. They were visiting their 9 month old daughter Isabelle.
Wyatt came in first and we began our play date. A few minutes later, Isabelle was brought in and Wyatt and she couldn’t (or at least didn’t) take their eyes off one another. Both babies were on the floor and Isabelle made her move and crawled (at seemingly light-speed) over to Wyatt “the Ladies Man” Schlafer. They just stared at one another (or at least one another’s toys). They played very nicely for a few minutes and then Isabelle broke some unwritten (but evidently VERY serious) rule by wanting Wyatt to share (or give to her) his coveted teething-rattling-reflecting Frog toy. This was the first woman to break his little heart.
Although he played well and seemed to enjoy the additional company, it was evident to everyone that he was a bit jealous of his mom and dad’s time. Whenever she came near us (note that neither of us ever touched her or showed her any affection) he was sure to place a hand on one of us as if to say “your mine”. It was heartwarming.
The caregivers told us that he is still not eating before seeing us. In fact, according to them, he was staring at the door waiting for us prior to our arrival. Tomorrow will be a long day for him…and us.
After the visit, we came home for a short rest prior to meeting Jen and Peter (family from Boston) at the Bowling Alley for lunch and a couple of games of cosmic bowling, complete with LOUD, disco-type music. Fun times.
Today’s Russian lesson:
Zdrastvuite; Hello
Pazhalusta; Please
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