Once again, I have become a slacker in the blogging world. I guess chasing two kids will do that! Unbelievably, this weekend marked Wyatt's 4th family day. We celebrate family day as the anniversary of the day we met him. It was really a weird feeling, to think how fast the past 4 years have gone, and yet to realize we've only had him 4 years. Its amazing how in 4 short years, our lives have changed so much and its hard to remember what life was like before him. He's grown up to be such an amazing little boy with so much personality. He's filled the big brother role better than I could have ever imagined. Now, he's been guilty of some not so great choices, but come on, he's a kid. I'd be disappointed if he were perfect. Not a day goes by where he doesn't have us cracking up at something he's said or done. And, it's funny to look back at pictures of his little baby face and you can even see his personality shining then. Not a day goes by when we don't thank God for the true blessing Wyatt is and we're so grateful to call him our son.
So, to celebrate Family Day, we headed to Monkey Joe's. We all love that place. FYI, Sunday at 11:00 is the time to go. It is just opening and its a good time to beat the crowd. Both boys played until exhaustion, which was awesome.
Since its been a while since I've posted pictures, I've attached a couple from the past couple of weeks. They are pretty self explanatory.

You are soo right...time seems to fly by once you have kids. Happy Family Day!
Happy Family Day Wyatt! We just did our Gotcha Day with Nick at Wilderness Lodge....love celebratin these boys! So maybe we should tell all the Kaz/Lex families to go to Monkey Joe's on a Sunday? We will have to price compare and consider! :)
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