Monday, March 01, 2010

End of maternity leave...well, until September

Intriguing title, huh? I will start by saying today marks the last day of my maternity leave. While I struggle with that, I know that once I get back into the grove, I'll be glad to be back. I've always worked better on a schedule and routine and work definitely gives me that. I also appreciate the adult conversations and I love the people I work with.

Gabe had his first half day of daycare today. We decided to send him for a half day so his first day wouldn't be the normal 9ish hours. He's done great at the YMCA for an hour or so, but this is the longest he's been away. I really think he'll enjoy being around all of the other kids as well. He loves to sing and talk, so they'll be plenty of people to entertain.

Wyatt is not thrilled about me going back. He has loved being picked up at lunch time and is not looking forward to staying all day again. It's funny how quickly we get spoiled, isn't it?! I give him one week before he begs to stay longer, like he used to before Christmas. We are so grateful that we found such a great place for the boys.

Okay, so back to the title of this post. Yes, I will be taking another maternity leave in September. The Schlafer family is expanding again, with a third child. Where from, you ask? My belly! Yep, I'm pregnant. I'm due September 10. Surprise!!! We found out the Monday prior to leaving for Ethiopia. I am now 3 months pregnant and we couldn't be happier. We look forward to a new journey of pregnancy and an infant. It could be interesting!!


Tishy said...

So that explains the long naps! Congrats Mama!and Papa and Brothers!

Anonymous said...



Madeline Jade said...

No wonder Jason is grinning from ear to ear lately every time we see him on TV behind the bench during UK games.
Congrats! How exciting!

Kelly said...

WOW!! How exciting!! I am so happy for you guys!!

Our House at the Pinnacle said...

Wow!!! What wonderful news!!! Couldn't be happier for you! See you SOON!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! I am so HAPPY for you! You must be so excited!!!!! I have been thinking about you lately with coming back to work. I hope the transition goes smoothly. I have missed you!

Andrea Nielsen said...

so here is my question.... cissie and I have been there when you come home with your other two.... what about this time? and are you going to want cissie taking pictures? :)
I am sooooo excited for you all! Can't wait! Love you all... Andrea

Katie said...

Michelle, I am SO happy for you. I just tried to call you and share my excitement. :) I guess you must be busy or something! Wow... God is so amazing. Can't wait to celebrate with you when I see you... soon! Boo for the end of maternity leave, but "yay" to have you back at school.

ms julie said...

BUCCI!!! Congratulations!!!!! Wowser, woo. What amazing gifts your lil family is receiving all at once!!! :)

Anonymous said...

OH MY! OH MY! OH MY GOODNESS!!! This is some of the best news I have heard! I am so excited for you and your boys. Congratulations!


Jennifer said...

Congratulations on all of it! Such exciting times all around, and so many new journeys.

Marcia said...

What wonderful news! My heartfelt congratulations to your family. I am so very happy for you,

The Barnett's said...

WOW!!! Congratulations!!! That is such great news!!!

Andrea said...

So excited for you and your family. So glad your family is blessed with little ones. :)

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

Wow! What fun news!!! Congrats, you guys!!!

Unknown said...

OH My GOODNESS!!! So happy for the five of you!

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