Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Tomorrow is the Big Day!

I can't believe that tomorrow, we'll be beginning our journey to Ethiopia. As you can imagine, the last week has been a whirlwind of activity and craziness. Packing, documents, wrapping up work and giving Wyatt as much attention as possible. As for our itinerary, we'll leave Cincinnati at 4:00 pm headed to New York. We leave New York for Dubai at 11:00 pm. We land in Dubai at 8:25 pm and spend the night there. The next morning, we head to Ethiopia at 8:25 and land at 11:25 am. I'm pretty sure we are not allowed to meet Gabe on the weekend, so I believe Monday will be the day we can finally get our hands on that boy!

We're not sure about whether or not we'll be able to post to our blog when we're gone. I set it up so I can email posts, but from what I understand, the Internet is pretty iffy where we are staying. We'll post as soon as possible to update everybody on the trip and most importantly Mr. Gabe.


The Barnett's said...

Have a safe trip!! We'll be anxiously awaiting new posts!

Jeremy and Jessica said...

Be safe and get some sleep!

Andrea Nielsen said...

Travel safely and let Jason's mom know that if she needs anything, Lillie and I are close by. Can't wait to see Gabe in your arms...finally!!!! Be safe!

Elizabeth and Roscoe said...

Wow, I just watched Gabe's video. He is just too precious! I wish you safe travels and hope you have an amazing time playing/bonding with Gabe from the first minute! Can't wait to meet him at our next Kaz gathering :) Elizabeth

Tishy said...

Good luck, be safe and try to have lots of fun through the anxiety of waiting and finalizing everything. Can't wait to hear how everything is going and for you all to finally get Gabe back here.

Katie said...

Praying for safe travels... soooo happy you will be holding him soon. Hope the internet works so you can post!

Jennifer said...

Safe travels! Can't wait to hear more, whenever that might be!