Sunday, January 10, 2010

Gabe's First Day

Yesterday was a big day for the Schlafers. At about 2:00 we went to the baby house and picked up Gabe and brought him back to the guest house.  It was pretty stressful for everybody. He cried leaving the baby house (so did the staff) and off and on for quite a few hours after that.  We took a nap and headed outside to the guest house garden.  He was still a little iffy, but began to play and took a bottle.  At 6:00, we fed him and he ate about half of his cereal.  This is an improvement, as the day before, he would not let me feed him.  Then came dinner.  It was the turning point.  We got giggles, babbles and lots of playing.  He's been that way ever since!  Last night he did wake up a few times crying.  Around 2 we gave him a bottle and that was it.  He was cashed until the morning.  It's great to see his personality start to come out and to see the transformation of him becoming more comfortable with us.
Today we go back to the baby house to do some paperwork.  It will be interesting to see how he does leaving there again. I'm hopeful it does not take too long for him to adjust back to us.  I cannot imagine what is going through his little brain.  After the baby house, we are heading to lunch and to the store.  Then, back here for naps and play time.  We are loving every minute of having him with us and can't wait to bring him home to meet everybody!!

1 comment:

Andrea Nielsen said...

your first day sounds very similar to my does get better! Glad that it is going so well. much love to all of you!!!!! Can't wait to meet Gabe!