Sunday, October 25, 2009

Maybe, Just Maybe?

We learned a couple of weeks ago that we are what is considered an open court case. Therefore, we should not expect a court date, nor an update until our case has been heard in court. That will happen hopefully soon after all necessary documents are acquired. Of course, you know me, and you know I've been stalking the blogs. I know there are at least 2 families with our collaborating agency that have court dates this week. Maybe, just maybe, our paperwork will be done. Maybe, just maybe, our paperwork will accompany those families to court. Hey, a girl can hope, right?


Aunt Jodi said...

and while we're hoping...and praying...a friend of mine just got her Ethiopian kids (3 older kids)...and it went through the first time through court!!! So let's pray that's your scenario too. When they finally get you there, that it be approved right away! It's getting close! I can feel it! And I can't wait!!!

Jennifer said...

Wow! How nerve wracking waiting for a call that may or may not come. On the good side though, that means literally any day now! Yay!! I hope this is THE week for you guys!

kitzkazventure said...

Hoping it happens soon so we can have a big baby celebration with Gabe and Sara sooner rather than later....oh yeah, and maybe a late wedding celebration for our newlyweds from much to celebrate! :)

And your Friday from Hell....oh my, glad you are OK, but OH MY!