Sunday, July 19, 2009

We've gotten a lot of questions about the progress of Gabe's adoption lately. Unfortunately, we have little to report concerning Gabe's case specifically. Ethiopian adoptions in general are making progress. As we understand it, the ban is lifted and new court dates have been assigned to lots of families. Unfortunately, we are not one of those families. We are one of the many families still constantly checking emails hoping for good news; keeping our cell phones by our side, waiting for a call to hear the date that's been put on hold a month and a half now. We read lots of rumors about the date court closes for rainy season, but without word from our agency, we cannot believe what we read. Too often I've allowed what I read to give me too much hope and end feeling worse. We know that it all will happen when its right, and that is what keeps us sane right now. We'll obviously update as soon as we hear any news.

On a more uplifting note, Jason and Wyatt had a priceless conversation today before Wyatt's nap. It went as follows:
Wyatt: I want to see Jesus.
Jason: You will someday.
Wyatt: Where does he live?
Jason: In your heart and in heaven.
Wyatt : In here? (pointing to his chest)
Jason: What are you doing? (as Wyatt is now putting his hand in his mouth and fingers almost down his throat)
Wyatt: I want Jesus to see my hand

Never a dull moment with this kid!!!


Marcia said...

I'm glad you posted this update, so I understand better that you're in wait mode.
I am hoping you get good news about travel soon!
Blessings to your family,
Marcia K.

kmr said...

I'm laughing outloud at this story. In my room... by myself.

Jennifer said...

What a really cute conversation! :-) Can't argue with his logic!

Same boat. Cell phone attached to the hip. I really feel for you, and hope you hear some good news SOON!!

kitzkazventure said...

Awww, Wyatt is one priceless little boy! Love that story!

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

praying for word on a court date for you. :)