Many of you may have heard that the Ethiopian Justice System has determined it to be in the best interest of its children to temporarily stop hearing the cases of abandoned children. There is no effect of which we are aware on the cases of children whose parents have relinquished their parental rights. Evidently, the number of cases of abandoned children is rising rapidly and the Ethiopian Government has found several cases of fraud. According to many other blogs we've read, the Ethiopian government is investigating each agency before hearing any of these children's cases. Although our agency and Gabe's case have been cleared, we must wait until all agencies have been investigated prior to our case being heard in court.
A couple of things that we are comfortable are true:
-Ethiopian people and their government care about and love their children and are acting in what they have determined to be in the best interest of those children.
-Our agency (Little Miracles) has always been and will continue to be a true ally for us and for orphans
-Despite being aware of these truths, this is an incredibly difficult setback with which to deal.
Please take a moment to view the video below for a moving look at the positive work some good people to help children. Thanks for reading.
Oh such surprising and sad news to learn you've hit this big hurdle!! It's sounding hopeful that it is only a delay, and not a roadblock, but on the other hand, it appears this delay is going to get lengthy and will require alot patience and perserverance--which I'm sure you can do!
Keep your spirits up as best as you're able!
Marcia K.
We are praying for resolution, friend. Many families from our agency have hit the same road block, and we are confident that God will bring a solution very quickly, for the best interest of the children for sure. Please know we are praying with you guys.
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