Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nursery Rhymes, Wyatt Style

Here is Wyatt's rendition of "Little Miss Muffet". Earlier today, he told me that he is the spider and I am Miss Muffet and he'd scream at me, similar to what you're about to see. He has to put that "boy" twist on everything!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Some Random Pictures

No really good stories to share, so here are some random pictures and a video.

We sat down to eat and Wyatt busted this out. I had never heard it before. It is one of my Wyatt favorites.

This is Wyatt's Fire Station that he made by himself. The firemen came to his school last week. We have heard no less than 50 times that playing with matches is dangerous. I am impresses with his "stop, drop and roll" technique.

Wyatt was a "sketelon" (Wyatt's pronunciation of skeleton) for the YMCA Fall Celebration.

These are the spider cupcakes we made for Wyatt's Fall Celebration at school tomorrow. I think the kids will love them...the teachers may not be fond of the spider rings, but hey, its all about the kids, right?

Wyatt gets a kick out of it when we make pancakes that spell his name. He loves that he can recognize a "W"!

"Sour Cream and Sprinkles" take pancakes from good to perfection. Wyatt refers to whipped cream as sour should see the faces when he orders that at restaurants.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Another first...and hopefully last!

Wyatt had his first (and fingers crossed, last) surgery today. He had hernia that he was apparently born with, but we just noticed it. Everything went well, minus the 3 hour wait prior to the surgery, which wasn't too bad, just long.. Thank goodness for the car for him to play with. His behavior was remarkable considering the limit space for 3 hours! We went around and around this little square to occupy ourselves. The procedure itself took less than an hour. By the time we were able to see him, he was sitting on a nurse's lap talking about dragons. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly suprised to say the least. We came home and except for a little dizziness at first, he was pretty much back to normal. He was ready to watch his new movie (Aladdin) and open his presents from Madeline and Grandma. In fact, those were about the first words he said to us...I want to go home and open my presents!
He seems to be in very little pain - just a few complains here and there. He has been on a pretty regular motrin/tylenol schedule though. We'll see what tomorrow holds. Here are some pictures from today.

Wyatt in his car. They took him up to the Operating Room in this. It kept the tears away...well at least until he was out of our sight.

Wyatt reading Mom a book. I never knew "The Last Lecture" was about Nemo, Dora and a pond.

Wyatt checking everything out.

Dad and Wyatt in the waiting room.

Dad and Wyatt calming their nerves by watching some construction while waiting for our name to be called.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We LOVE Fall Break!!

I've been on Fall Break all week, which means lots of Mom and Wyatt time. He still goes to school while I "work" on my graduate school portfolio. But before and after school, we've enjoyed reading, making craft, playing outside feeding the duck and going to the playground.

Wyatt's quote of the day. He came up to me with a picture of me, my sister and my Grandma.
Wyatt - "That's you. That's Kim."
Me - "Yep"
Wyatt - "Who is that?" (pointing to my Grandma)
Me- "That's my Grandma."
Wyatt - "Where is she?"
Me- "She died." (instantly thinking that was going to prompt way to many questions!)
Wyatt - "Why?"
Me - "She went to be with Jesus"
Wyatt - "You need a Grandma. I'll share mine"
He automatically got on Santa's nice list for the day!!

The simple fact that he is sitting still warrants a picture!

The ducks can be a little aggressive, so Wyatt stands on the bench to avoid any contact.

We always get the "Don't throw rocks at the ducks" speech before throwing rocks into the water.

This is my new favorite picture.

Yes, my kid is from Kentucky. He is giving out a big "Yee-Haw" in this picture. Sad, but true.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

We had a great time carving pumpkins today. Wyatt amazed us when he referenced carving pumpkins at Grandma and Grandpa's last year. This year, the highlight was when the seeds flew all over when Wyatt was trying to scoop them out.

Wyatt's Quote of the Day:
(After being warned that if he keeps making bad choice he'll be on Santa's naughty list - no, I'm not above bribing with Santa in October) "I want to be on Santa's Airplane List"

Saturday, October 04, 2008


Welcome Fall! Time for carmel apples and the pumpkin patch!