The Good
1. Vocabulary: It seems to increase by the minute. We've gone beyond transportation vehicles, cookie and candy! Whew! We've got please down, still working on thank you, and if anyone around burps, he'll be sure to excuse them.
2. Appetite: He's finally given up and decided that there are worse things in the world than meat and veggies. Now, don't be silly, cookies and "pepper balls" rule, but the others are tolerable now.
3. Relationships: Mama, Papa, Kim, Grandmas, Grandpas, Sarah, Dani, Lillie, Ms. Cheryl, Clay, Erika, Anna, Mr. Daryl, Nick, Luke, Kevin, Logan, Madeline - All of the people he's spoken about without their presence. It's clear relationships are important to this guy. Speaking of relationships, Wyatt got his first kiss tonight at then end of his playdate with Lillie. Too cute to not share.
4. Pretend Play: When the Bob the Builder bit Wyatt and was prompty put to sleep, it was clear prentend time has arrived.
5. Humor: We love to laugh hard and laugh lots. The sillier the better!
The Bad
1. Stong Willed: Good when you're 15 and resisting peer pressure. Not so good to try to get your way 24/7 around mom or dad.
2. "NO": Are you serious?! How many times can one person say this in one day.
3. Obsessions: Playdough + Thomas = Heaven on Earth. Not so much bad, just CONSTANT!

The Ugly
1. #&%! Happens: You know you are ready to begin potty training not only tell mom that you "po po", but you are also holding in your hand.
2. Temper Tantrums: Exactly how hard do you have to shake your head and kick your feet before you do permanent damage? Whether it's good, bad or ugly, he's the "one of a kind" kid that we can't get enough of!
Hey Michelle and Jason, Have you been reading our blog too...right there with ya! Not even sure we could risk another Fazoli's run these past few weeks. Not pretty! But like you say, Can't get enough of them crazy Kazakhs! I think Nick is having his terrible two's and threes all in one 6 month period and we are having to use every technique, survival method, and safety precaution that we know to survive Nick's tantrums so be sure that we empathize with you fully! There is a verse in the Bible that says 'to whom much is given, much is required' ....we are very very lucky parents but very very tired parents! ;) Have a good week! Maybe we should do a grill out in the next two weeks and see who can out tantrum whom! Much patience and humor to you both! Karen, Pat, and the Kazmanian Devil! :)
This is great info to know.
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