Yippee...snow day #2. This time, real snow. We were able to get out the sled that Kim got Wyatt for Christmas and he had a blast. He liked dumping himself out of it as much as he liked being pulled in it. After his cheeks turned a bright shade of pink and there were nose drippings down to his chin, we decided enough was enough. Apparently he didn't agree...not even hot chocolate could keep him from throwing a major tantrum while standing and pointing at the door. I'll give you one guess what we'll be doing tomorrow!
What a precious little snow bunny!!! He is so much fun; we need to play together Mr.Wyatt :)
Andrea A :)
What a cutie. I wanna do this (blog thingee) for MY new baby Anna if she ever, ever, ever will come out! PJ
If you came to Iowa - always lots of snow....I miss Wyatt.
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