Happy Birthday, Wyatt. Wyatt is now one year and a day old. And boy, did he have a fun filled birthday weekend. Dad had to go out of town for a wedding, so it was Mom, Wyatt and friends Jeni and Brianna for the big weekend. Saturday started with a bang...pancakes, nap, pool, ice cream, nap, Chuck E Cheese's. Talk about tired kids and moms at the end of the day! But hey, you only turn one once! Today, Dad came home and we had our family's birthday celebration day. It started with a visit to the park and then Wyatt got to open some presents he received in the mail from the Whitsitt's and the Ivancics and some presents from Mom and Dad. After that, came the infamous first birthday cake. I think the pictures show whether he liked that or not. We had to cut him off before he ate the whole thing. Okay, maybe Mom helped a little bit. The big man is now tucked in bed, with visions of ice cream and cake dancing in his head. Sorry big guy, birthday weekend is over...back to the fruit and veggies!
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