Wow! Where do we even begin? We've been home for a little over two months and what a wonderful summer it has been. Since arriving home, we are humbled everyday by the generosity and support of all of our friends and family. From the welcome home party at the airport, to the "Extreme Home Makeover Wyatt Edition", to the daily phone calls and notes of support...we cannot thank our friends and family enough. Wyatt has met so many new people and has been eating up the attention he recieves. His personality has really begun to show and boy do we have a ham on our hands! He went from belly flopping to crawling in nothing short of a sprint. He loves to swim and loves to eat...well, everything! Due to the fact that so much time has passed since our last post, we will not even attempt to sum up what all we've done this summer. We'll just leave it as it has been the best of our lives...and it's just the beginning.
Now, to sum up the adoption process as a whole. We cannot thank Little Miracles International enough for making our dream of becoming a family come true. From the first phone call of inquiry until now, the wonderful service and support we have recieved from them has been amazing. The LMI team both in the US and in KZ is made up of very special people that we will always hold dear to our hearts. Thank you LMI, Andrea, and to our translator and coordinator in Astana...we cannot imagine this experience without you.
We promise to update more often. Jason has been back at work since the week we got home and Michelle returns to work next week. A very sweet woman will be watching Wyatt in her home with a few other children while Mom and Dad are at work. He'll love it, as he loves other kids, but naturally, Michelle is already dreading the day she must drop him off. We'll let you know how that geos next time.
Until then...thanks for everything and sorry for the 2 month hiatus.