Wyatt must have been a good boy this year, because Santa brought him toys, toys and more toys. Add Grandmas, Grandpas, aunts and friends to that mix and it was out of control! Santa even made a special trip to the house Christmas Eve. Wyatt was a little skeptical at first, but warmed up to him after a while. He even gave him a cookie! After seeing Santa, we had fun making and decorating cookies (you can see where Wyatt got into the frosting)and making pizzas with friends Dasha and Andy. We maybe opened a few gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Reed...we just couldn't wait 'til morning! Christmas morning, we opened more gifts at the house, then hopped in the car to go to Grandma Lynne's and Grandpa John's. We opened more gifts and played like crazy! Mom and Dad snuck away for a few days to witness the Cats defeat Clemson in the Music City Bowl in Nashville, TN. While they were gone, Grandma Lynne and Grandpa John kept Wyatt busy with a new Jump-O-Lean, a train and ice cream sandwiches. We're not so sure that Wyatt was ready for Mom and Dad to come back. We headed back home today and Wyatt is tucked into bed with visions of new toys in his head.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Ho, Ho, Ho...Merry Christmas
Wyatt must have been a good boy this year, because Santa brought him toys, toys and more toys. Add Grandmas, Grandpas, aunts and friends to that mix and it was out of control! Santa even made a special trip to the house Christmas Eve. Wyatt was a little skeptical at first, but warmed up to him after a while. He even gave him a cookie! After seeing Santa, we had fun making and decorating cookies (you can see where Wyatt got into the frosting)and making pizzas with friends Dasha and Andy. We maybe opened a few gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Reed...we just couldn't wait 'til morning! Christmas morning, we opened more gifts at the house, then hopped in the car to go to Grandma Lynne's and Grandpa John's. We opened more gifts and played like crazy! Mom and Dad snuck away for a few days to witness the Cats defeat Clemson in the Music City Bowl in Nashville, TN. While they were gone, Grandma Lynne and Grandpa John kept Wyatt busy with a new Jump-O-Lean, a train and ice cream sandwiches. We're not so sure that Wyatt was ready for Mom and Dad to come back. We headed back home today and Wyatt is tucked into bed with visions of new toys in his head.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Wyatt Checking Out the Christmas Tree
We put up the Christmas tree during Wyatt's nap. This video is his first look at the tree. He loves it. |
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
"It's the Holiday Season"
We've been busy this holiday season at the Schlafer house! We hosted Thanksgiving (see photo to the left) and had a house full for a great day. It was perfect outside, so we got lots of playing time in. Then off to get a Christmas tree. Wyatt LOVES the Christmas tree. He cannot help himself but to just stand and look at in in awe. It will be interesting to see what he does when it is time for it to come down. We're working on Ho, ho, ho, but we haven't quite got that one down yet. He's learned some new games lately...all of which are fun for him, but only some are fun for mom and dad. He loves to play chase, which we all have fun with. His new ability to run is hilarious to watch. He just giggles, laughs and then bites it. It is too funny. What is not so fun to watch him play (okay, it was pretty funny the first time) is his new spitting game. Yep, almost a whole sippy of milk last night at dinner. He surely keeps us on our toes. Regardless which game he's playing, we're loving every minute of this special time of year with our boy.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Look who's walking!
Credits: Starring WMS, Executive Director Mom, Chief Videographer Dad, Wardrobe by Grandma Reed.
More to come!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Weekend With Grandma Peggy

What a great weekend. Grandma Peggy arrived late Thursday night at babysat all day Friday while Mom and Dad were at work. Wyatt showed her just how much more active he is now that he was last time she was here...Watch out, Grandma!! We went out for some BBQ for dinner and called it a night. Saturday we hosted a cookout for families that have or are in the process of adopting from KZ. It was wonderful to meet new families and we all hope to get together more as our children grow. After church and brunch on Sunday we headed to the pumpkin patch. Wyatt loved the pumpkins...we had to drag him out of there kicking and screaming...literally! We were all exhausted after that event, so we ended the night with some left over beef. Today we headed out to rid Wyatt of his baby mullett and out to Ramsey's for lunch. From then on, we've spend some quality time hanging around the house before Grandma has to head out early tomorrow morning.
For those keeping track at home, Wyatt has two wonderful new habits:
1. Pulling off his left (only) sock and shoe.
2. Screaming (high and loud) whenever you don't want him to.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Weekend in WI

Whew...what a weekend. Lets sum it up. Dad had to stay home alone for the Cats big win over Ole Miss.
1. Plane ride to Chicago...much shorter than the trip from KZ...Thank goodness! I am so glad that the big guy was not this mobile 4 months ago!
2. Car ride to WI...just in time for a short nap
3. Tailgate at Aunt Ruth's (don't worry Ruth, no damage done)
4. Football Game and Rededication of Wilmot High School's Football Field...Also known as Frank Bucci Field. What a special event that we are very thankful that we could attend.
5. Bedtime - okay a few hours late, but we have so much to do and so little time!
6. Wake and drive to Milwaukee...again, time for a short nap.
7. KZ Picnic...any event involving families that have adopted or are in the process of adopting children from KZ are always wonderful. Wyatt was able to finally meet Andrea, our LMI coordinator, and get a big smooch from her daughter.
8. Drive back to Twin Lakes...again, just enough time for a quick nippy.
9. Cookout at the Sarbacker's. We got to meet our new cousin Elliot and Wyatt played 'til exahustion with his cousin McKenzie that he just met as well.
10. Bedtime for Mr. Wyatt...maybe Mom and Kristen should have taken his lead to Aunt Kathy couldn't take all of their money in "Ship, Captain, Crew". Thanks a lot Kath! ha ha.
11. Wake up and another hour drive to the airport...you guessed it...naptime!
12. Fly home...this would be when Wyatt mooched raisins off of other passengers.
13. Arrive home...and breathe again.
Yep it was a busy weekend, but what a fun one. We are so grateful that we could make the trip and really appreciate the hospitality of the Clark's and Sarbacker's and generosity of Grandma Lynne and Grandpa John.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Happy Birthday Pics

Happy Birthday, Wyatt. Wyatt is now one year and a day old. And boy, did he have a fun filled birthday weekend. Dad had to go out of town for a wedding, so it was Mom, Wyatt and friends Jeni and Brianna for the big weekend. Saturday started with a bang...pancakes, nap, pool, ice cream, nap, Chuck E Cheese's. Talk about tired kids and moms at the end of the day! But hey, you only turn one once! Today, Dad came home and we had our family's birthday celebration day. It started with a visit to the park and then Wyatt got to open some presents he received in the mail from the Whitsitt's and the Ivancics and some presents from Mom and Dad. After that, came the infamous first birthday cake. I think the pictures show whether he liked that or not. We had to cut him off before he ate the whole thing. Okay, maybe Mom helped a little bit. The big man is now tucked in bed, with visions of ice cream and cake dancing in his head. Sorry big guy, birthday weekend is over...back to the fruit and veggies!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Back to School Blues

After 5 months off, I guess I have no right to complain about going back to work. Day one in the life of a working mom. It comes with mixed emtions...glad to be back in the working world, but wow...I didn't realize how much I would miss him over only 8 hours! Okay, really only 4 since I went and ate lunch with him. Wyatt did great. It is such a relief to know that he is being taken care of by a loving family and that the interaction with other children is great for him socially and developmentally. Here are some pics from today...eating breakfast, drying off from a bath and getting ready to go! I'll sleep much better tonight knowing that both he and I are going to be just fine with this whole work deal.
Friday, August 04, 2006
"We're Back"

Wow! Where do we even begin? We've been home for a little over two months and what a wonderful summer it has been. Since arriving home, we are humbled everyday by the generosity and support of all of our friends and family. From the welcome home party at the airport, to the "Extreme Home Makeover Wyatt Edition", to the daily phone calls and notes of support...we cannot thank our friends and family enough. Wyatt has met so many new people and has been eating up the attention he recieves. His personality has really begun to show and boy do we have a ham on our hands! He went from belly flopping to crawling in nothing short of a sprint. He loves to swim and loves to eat...well, everything! Due to the fact that so much time has passed since our last post, we will not even attempt to sum up what all we've done this summer. We'll just leave it as it has been the best of our lives...and it's just the beginning.
Now, to sum up the adoption process as a whole. We cannot thank Little Miracles International enough for making our dream of becoming a family come true. From the first phone call of inquiry until now, the wonderful service and support we have recieved from them has been amazing. The LMI team both in the US and in KZ is made up of very special people that we will always hold dear to our hearts. Thank you LMI, Andrea, and to our translator and coordinator in Astana...we cannot imagine this experience without you.
We promise to update more often. Jason has been back at work since the week we got home and Michelle returns to work next week. A very sweet woman will be watching Wyatt in her home with a few other children while Mom and Dad are at work. He'll love it, as he loves other kids, but naturally, Michelle is already dreading the day she must drop him off. We'll let you know how that geos next time.
Until then...thanks for everything and sorry for the 2 month hiatus.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
A Very Welcomed Uneventful Day

A much less eventful day today. Thank goodness! The day began with a run and then a visit with the big man. He was pretty happy today and it was great to see him for the full two hours (the first time since Saturday). He got tired at the end, but we had a blast till then. Jason found out a ball game to play with him that just cracks Wyatt up, so naturally, we played that for as long as he was willing. We had lots of laughs today.
After our visit, we booked our flight to Almaty. We will be heading there on May 23. It is so hard to believe that the end of this journey is in sight. One journey ends and a lifelong journey begins.

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