Unfortunately, Gabe will have to sit this one out, as his ear infections still were not cured by the 10 days of antibiotics. He's got a stronger prescription now and hopefully that will do the trick. Ear infections or not, the kid is just happy. He's an amazing little guy and we're just thrilled for him to be home and so well adjusted. He's sleeping through the night now and taking good naps. I'm not afraid to admit that I took the shortest nap of the three of us at three hours. Yes, you read that right, three hours. Wyatt clocked in at 3 hours 15 minutes and Gabe went for a record of 3 hours 25 minutes. NICE! Hopefully they'll set a sleeping in record.
And, speaking of sleeping in, I only have 2 weeks of maternity leave left. (Insert gag here). 2 more weeks until 7:30 no longer seems like an early wake up call. 2 more weeks until going back to working out at 5:30 am. 2 more weeks until Gabe and Wyatt are in daycare full time (boo). 2 more weeks until I my naps are nixed. 2 more weeks until I only spend 4-5 waking hours with my boys as opposed to all day. That's the toughest one to swallow. Honestly, it makes me sick to actually come to grips with that one. The past 6 weeks have spoiled me, that's for sure. But, mama's gotta to what mama's gotta do!
Now that I've babbled on randomly, here are some pictures from this month so far.